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- Date: Sat, 16 Apr 94 00:59:37 PDT
- From: Info-Hams Mailing List and Newsgroup <info-hams@ucsd.edu>
- Errors-To: Info-Hams-Errors@UCSD.Edu
- Reply-To: Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu
- Precedence: Bulk
- Subject: Info-Hams Digest V94 #422
- To: Info-Hams
- Info-Hams Digest Sat, 16 Apr 94 Volume 94 : Issue 422
- Today's Topics:
- 3V8AS - Anyone Get a Card?
- Daily Summary of Solar Geophysical Activity for 14 April
- Florida west coast repeaters
- GB2RS News 17th April 1994
- REVIEW: Radio Shack DSP-40
- Working AO-21 with TH-78A
- Send Replies or notes for publication to: <Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu>
- Send subscription requests to: <Info-Hams-REQUEST@UCSD.Edu>
- Problems you can't solve otherwise to brian@ucsd.edu.
- Archives of past issues of the Info-Hams Digest are available
- (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/info-hams".
- We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
- herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
- policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 15 Apr 1994 19:37:54 GMT
- From: worldbank.org!news@uunet.uu.net
- Subject: 3V8AS - Anyone Get a Card?
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- Has anyone ever received a card from the IK5 manager for 3V8AS?
- (I understand that it's not valid for DXCC, I'm just curious to get a card!)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 14 Apr 1994 21:55:45 MDT
- From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!swrinde!gatech!newsxfer.itd.umich.edu!nntp.cs.ubc.ca!alberta!ve6mgs!usenet@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: Daily Summary of Solar Geophysical Activity for 14 April
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
- 14 APRIL, 1994
- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
- (Based In-Part On SESC Observational Data)
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- !!BEGIN!! (1.0) S.T.D. Solar Geophysical Data Broadcast for DAY 104, 04/14/94
- 10.7 FLUX=079.4 90-AVG=095 SSN=028 BKI=5334 2333 BAI=019
- BGND-XRAY=A4.1 FLU1=3.1E+05 FLU10=1.1E+04 PKI=5435 4334 PAI=026
- BOU-DEV=108,038,023,059,017,023,024,029 DEV-AVG=040 NT SWF=00:000
- XRAY-MAX= B1.4 @ 1419UT XRAY-MIN= A3.4 @ 2001UT XRAY-AVG= A6.2
- NEUTN-MAX= +003% @ 0545UT NEUTN-MIN= -002% @ 1950UT NEUTN-AVG= +0.1%
- PCA-MAX= +0.1DB @ 2035UT PCA-MIN= -0.3DB @ 0610UT PCA-AVG= +0.0DB
- BOUTF-MAX=55370NT @ 0124UT BOUTF-MIN=55302NT @ 1722UT BOUTF-AVG=55327NT
- GOES7-MAX=P:+000NT@ 0000UT GOES7-MIN=N:+000NT@ 0000UT G7-AVG=+068,+000,+000
- GOES6-MAX=P:+125NT@ 1827UT GOES6-MIN=N:-114NT@ 0113UT G6-AVG=+087,+029,-049
- FLUXFCST=STD:090,085,085;SESC:090,085,085 BAI/PAI-FCST=015,020,030/015,025,045
- KFCST=3344 4322 2234 5455 27DAY-AP=018,015 27DAY-KP=4442 3223 4434 3223
- !!END-DATA!!
- NOTE: The Effective Sunspot Number for 13 APR 94 was 11.9.
- The Full Kp Indices for 13 APR 94 are: 3+ 4o 5o 4- 3+ 4o 4- 4-
- The 3-Hr Ap Indices for 13 APR 94 are: 19 28 46 21 19 28 25 21
- Greater than 2 MeV Electron Fluence for 14 APR is: 1.2E+09
- --------------------
- Solar activity was very low. Certainly the most
- interesting event of the day escaped detection in H-alpha and
- soft x-rays, but was dramatic in x-ray imagery. A large volume
- of the south-southeast quadrant was seen to dramatically
- restructure during the first 5-6 hours of the day. This event
- suggests a large-scale coronal mass ejection, extending to near
- the ecliptic plane. Just a very small filament disappeared as
- part of the event. Elsewhere, little flare activity occurred.
- One new Region, 7701 (N05E77), rotated into view as a mature
- sunspot.
- Solar activity forecast: solar activity is expected to be
- very low.
- STD: A full-disk Yohkoh x-ray image has been appended to this report
- showing another large trans-equatorial coronal hole approaching the
- central meridian at about 02:50 UTC on 14 April.
- The geomagnetic field varied from quiet to minor storm
- levels during the past 24 hours. Nighttime substorms continue.
- The greater than 2 MeV electron fluence was very high.
- Geophysical activity forecast: the geomagnetic field is
- expected to be increasingly more disturbed through the
- interval. Effects of today's CME are due to begin midway
- through the interval, culminating in minor storm conditions on
- April 17.
- Event probabilities 15 apr-17 apr
- Class M 01/01/01
- Class X 01/01/01
- Proton 01/01/01
- PCAF Green
- Geomagnetic activity probabilities 15 apr-17 apr
- A. Middle Latitudes
- Active 30/25/20
- Minor Storm 20/35/50
- Major-Severe Storm 10/20/20
- B. High Latitudes
- Active 40/15/10
- Minor Storm 15/40/50
- Major-Severe Storm 05/15/35
- HF propagation conditions continued below-normal over the
- upper-middle to high latitude paths. Near-normal to
- slightly-below normal propagation was observed elsewhere.
- Similar conditions are expected until 17 April when effects
- from the above-noted coronal mass ejection should arrive,
- resulting in renewed signal degradation for most regions.
- ========================================================
- --------------------------------------------------------
- 7700 N07W08 204 0010 BXO 05 007 BETA
- 7701 N05E77 119 0050 HSX 02 001 ALPHA
- 7696 S16 096
- ----------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------
- 75 N20W30 N10W50 N10W56 N26W32 236 ISO NEG 005 10830A
- 76 N42E44 S26E24 S10W22 N45E42 188 ISO POS 034 10830A
- ------------------------------------------------
- Date Begin Max End Xray Op Region Locn 2695 MHz 8800 MHz 15.4 GHz
- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- -- ------ ------ --------- --------- ---------
- 13 Apr: 0338 0341 0345 B2.4
- 1739 1744 1751 B1.1 SF 7700 N08E09
- ------------------------------------------------
- C M X S 1 2 3 4 Total (%)
- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- ------
- Region 7700: 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 001 (50.0)
- Uncorrellated: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 001 (50.0)
- Total Events: 002 optical and x-ray.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Date Begin Max End Xray Op Region Locn Sweeps/Optical Observations
- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- -- ------ ------ ---------------------------
- All times are in Universal Time (UT). Characters preceding begin, max,
- and end times are defined as: B = Before, U = Uncertain, A = After.
- All times associated with x-ray flares (ex. flares which produce
- associated x-ray bursts) refer to the begin, max, and end times of the
- x-rays. Flares which are not associated with x-ray signatures use the
- optical observations to determine the begin, max, and end times.
- Acronyms used to identify sweeps and optical phenomena include:
- II = Type II Sweep Frequency Event
- III = Type III Sweep
- IV = Type IV Sweep
- V = Type V Sweep
- Continuum = Continuum Radio Event
- Loop = Loop Prominence System,
- Spray = Limb Spray,
- Surge = Bright Limb Surge,
- EPL = Eruptive Prominence on the Limb.
- ===========================================================================
- 14 April 1994, 02:50 UTC
- North
- ....,,,,,,,,,::::::::;:::::;;;::::,,,...
- ....,,,:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;--------;;;;:::,..
- ..,,,:::;:::;;:::;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;-;;;;:::,,..
- . . ..,,:::;;;;;;;;::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;--;;::,,,..
- ....,,,,,,:;;::::;;;--;;;;;:::::;;:::::;;;::;:;;;;;;;;;;;-;::,,,.
- ....,,,::;;;;-:,.,,:;-----;;;;;;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;--;;;::;;:;;;::,,...
- ...,,::;;;--;:::,,,,:;;---;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;::::::;;;::,,....
- ..,,::;;-----;;--;;,...,:;--------;;;;;;;;-+--;;;;-;;;:;:::,,,:::::;;;;::,,....
- .,::;;;--++-;-++-;::,,...,:;+||||++-;;;;;---+---------;:,,,,,,:::::::--;;::,,,.
- ::;;----++;;;+!!|;:::,. .,:;-||!11!|--+++++++++-++|++-;;;:,,,,,,,:,::++-;;:,,,
- ---+++|||-:::;-;:,.,,,.. .,-|2222!132|||++|||+|!1!!|++--;:,.. .,,,:-!--;;::,
- ;-++!13*2-;::::,..,,,,,.. .-|1444**2!|||||||||!!!|+++++-;:,...,,,,:;++--;::
- :;-+|!*@1-;:,,,..,.,..,,,. .,;|12!||||++|!!|||||++-----+-;::,...,,,,:|!+-;;:
- ;;-+|1*#|;;:,..,,,,,..... .,;;;;--:::--+++-----;;-;-;;:,,. ,,,,:-+-;;::
- :;;+|12!-:,,,,,,,,::,... .,:::,.,,::;-----;;;;;;::,,,. .,.,,,,;--;:::
- ;;-+|!!|;::,:,,::::::,... . .,,,:,:::;;;;;:,...... .....,:-;;:,,
- ;;-|!!1!;;::::::---;;;,,. ...,,,,,,,:,,........ ..,.,;;:::,,
- ;-++!124+;;;;::;;;;::::,. . . ......,,,,...,... ,,.,;;::,,,
- ,:;-+!342-;;;-;;::,,.. . .... .,,,...... .. ,;;;::,,,
- .,;+|1234!;:::,,,. . ......,:,,,,.,,. ...:;;::,,,.
- .:;-|!233+:,,,. . .. . .. ......,,,,,,,.,.. ..,;::,,...
- .,:;--+|!!!-:,,,. ,;;:,,,.... ... .....,,,,,,,,,,............,;:,,..
- .,:;;;;--++|-;:,...,:--;::::,:,:,:::,..,,,,,,,,,....,..... .,. ....::,,..
- .,,:;;;;;;--++;:::;--;;;::::,,..,:,,::,,,.,...,......... ...,,,,..
- ..,,,::;;;;---+++-----;;::,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,,... ....,,.
- ..,,,:::;;-+|||||++----;,,,,,,,,,,,,,... .
- .....,,::;;--+++++-:,......
- ....,,,,:::::;;;;:,.
- .......,,,,,,,::::;;:,...
- ........,,:::;;:,,,::::::,,,..
- ....,,,:,....,,,,...
- .... .
- South
- KEY: East and west limbs are to the left and right respectively. Emission
- strength, from minimum to maximum are coded in the following way:
- [space] . , : ; - + | ! 1 2 3 4 * # @
- Units used are arbitrary, for illustrative purposes. Get "showasc.zip"
- from "pub/solar/Software" at the anonymous FTP site: ftp.uleth.ca
- (IP # to view these images on VGA screens. Remove
- all but the image data before typing "showasc filename".
- ** End of Daily Report **
- ------------------------------
- Date: 15 Apr 94 15:23:41 GMT
- From: ncrgw2.ncr.com!ncrhub2!tdbunews!nsc32!wps@uunet.uu.net
- Subject: Florida west coast repeaters
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article et0@charm.magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu, tgwright@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Thomas G Wright) writes:
- -->
- -->Can anyone tell me what the PL code is for the Sanibel Island 144 repeater?
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 15 Apr 1994 18:21:47 +0000
- From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!usc!howland.reston.ans.net!pipex!demon!llondel.demon.co.uk!dave@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: GB2RS News 17th April 1994
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- Good morning. It's Sunday the 17th of April and here is the GB2RS news
- broadcast, prepared by the Radio Society of Great Britain.
- It's Scottish Activity weekend and we wish all our Scottish listeners an
- active day. The organisers of this event, the Scottish Tourist Board
- (Radio Amateur) Expedition Group, aims to encourage activity by Scottish
- radio amateurs and to create a worldwide interest in contacts with
- Scottish stations. The Scottish Century Award is available and further
- details can be obtained from Robbie Aitkenhead, GM4UQG, whose address is
- correct in the RSGB Call Book. All GM, GS and 2M stations are invited to
- participate.
- Next Saturday the 23rd of April is International Marconi Day. The event
- is held each year on the Saturday nearest to the birth date of Marconi
- and is organised by the Cornish Radio Amateur Club. This year is the
- seventh IMD and is the biggest event to date, with over 35 special event
- stations taking part from around the world. The Cornish Radio Amateur
- Club offers an award for working or hearing a minimum of twelve of the
- participating stations. For details and a list of official stations
- which count for the award contact the IMD Awards Manager, Sue Thomas,
- G0PGX at the Cornish Radio Amateur Club, P O Box 100, Truro, Cornwall,
- TR1 1RX. Or send a message via packet to G4USB at GB7AKE.
- Amongst the International Marconi Day special event stations is GB0IOW
- which will operate from Alum Bay on the Isle of Wight, described by
- Marconi as "the World's first permanent wireless station". Another IMD
- station is GB1IMD which will use amateur satellites only. The station
- will be operational for the whole of the Saturday. Main activity will be
- via Oscar 13 mode B, on a down link close to 145.930MHz USB, and with
- the uplink around 435MHz.
- Additional operation will take place via the Russian satellite RS10 on a
- downlink around 28.385MHz, with an uplink on 2 metres. Precise operating
- times will depend on the satellites in range. The station will operate
- from a Marconi factory site in Leicester. For further details contact
- John Heath, G7HIA.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 15 Apr 94 22:09:08 GMT
- From: agate!howland.reston.ans.net!cs.utexas.edu!swrinde!sgiblab!barrnet.net!informix.com!informix.com!informix.com!randall@ucbvax.berkeley.edu
- Subject: REVIEW: Radio Shack DSP-40
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- Radio Shack now sells the DSP-40, a Digital Signal Processor
- with a 5-watt audio amplifier and built-in speaker. The price
- is $79.95 in the US. The catalog number is 21-543; you will
- need that number when you call and ask if it's in stock, because
- most Radio Shack personnel probably won't know what it is. (none
- of the ones I called knew about it) The product is not in the
- 1994 catalog. Some newer Radio Shack CBs will have DSP built-in to
- the units.
- The unit is small (about the size of a paperback novel) and runs
- off 12 VDC through a jack in the back (fused cord included). It
- has an audio input jack and audio output jack, both of the standard
- 1/8'' mono phone type. (cord included) The input jack is designed to
- take input from an earphone jack or external speaker output of a radio.
- The DSP-40 is simple to install: just connect to power, and run the
- included cord from your rig's external speaker output to the unit.
- There are four controls on the front: a volume/on-off knob, a button
- that turns DSP on or off, a bandwidth knob (three positions,
- WIDE, MEDIUM, NARROW), and a mode knob. (three positions: CW, SSB,
- NR/Noise Reduction)
- For the CW operator, the unit works pretty well as an audio filter.
- If you already have an audio narrow bandwidth filter on your rig, this
- unit may not provide any more functionality. You need to tune the rig
- very carefully if you use this unit, especially if the unit is in the NARROW
- bandwidth setting.
- For the SSB operator, the unit is very effective in eliminating
- squeals (heterodynes) caused by interference from AM stations.
- This is much better than the Notch filters offered on some rigs
- and some active filters like the MFJ filter. This is very
- useful for the 40m SSB operator, especially if you work mobile.
- You push a button, and the heterodynes go away; no need to
- fiddle with knobs.
- For the AM operator, the unit is of limited usefulness. When the
- CB band is open, heterodynes (or squeals that sound like heterodynes)
- are a problem, and this unit can help filter them. The DSP-40 does
- NOT reduce engine noise for mobile operators. The unit is somewhat
- effective in reducing hiss. Audio quality is reduced when DSP
- is engaged on AM signals.
- The internal speaker is pretty good for mobile operation. Its quality
- is about the same as the one built-in to my Icom 735.
- For $79.95, this is cheaper than other DSP units. Does it provide
- $80 worth of functionality? Yes, if you are a 40m SSB enthusiast.
- No, if you are anyone else. It is a fun new toy to play with though,
- and I am glad that Radio Shack is selling it.
- 73 DE KG0HW
- --
- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- Randall Rhea Informix Software, Inc.
- Project Manager, MIS Sales/Marketing Systems randall@informix.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 15 Apr 1994 19:19:29 GMT
- From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!usc!howland.reston.ans.net!math.ohio-state.edu!magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu!csn!col.hp.com!news.dtc.hp.com!hpscit.sc.hp.com!icon!greg@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: Working AO-21 with TH-78A
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- John Boudreau (ve8ev@gov.nt.ca) wrote:
- :
- : The AO-21 satellite boasts a fine AFC on the uplink receiver.
- : Working the satellite with your TH-78A set to 435.0125 should not
- : be a problem, although as the satellite move farther away from you
- : it may take a half second or so for the AFC to lock on your signal
- : when you transmit.
- : 73
- : John Boudreau
- : VE8EV
- Can you really work AO-21 from a handheld? I've tried using my Yaesu 767GX
- (10 watts) into an 8 element Quagi, with not even a hint of a change in the
- downlink static.
- Am I doing something wrong? I had the uplink tuned to 435.016, and even tried
- to move it around a little (+/- 5khz or so). Judging from the conversations
- I hear on the bird, most folks seem to have complete OCSAR setups with BIG
- antennae and lots of power (100w range).
- Greg KD6KGW
- p.s. I've also not had any luck with FO-20, but I've made dozens of contacts
- on RS-10.
- ------------------------------
- Date: (null)
- From: (null)
- The Coventry/ Northampton HF Direction Finding Qualifying event is
- scheduled to take place next Sunday the 24th of April. It takes place at
- Irchester Country Park, NGR 912658 using map 152, Northampton and Milton
- Keynes. Participants should assemble at 1pm for 1.20pm start.
- Competitors requiring supper should notify George Whenham, tel: 0926
- 812367 no later than today Sunday the 17th.
- Attention RSGB members in Scotland: A new RSGB Liaison Officer (RLO) has
- been appointed for Tayside. He is Alfred Low, GM4UZP, and his address is
- 21 Earn Crescent, Menzieshill, Dundee DD2 4BS, telephone 0382 644597.
- RLOs hold a wide range of information and they are available to help any
- RSGB member seeking advice.
- Now some items of HF DX news from the weekly RSGB DX News Sheet which is
- edited by Brendan McCartney, G4DYO.
- ------------------------------
- Date: (null)
- From: (null)
- Location Output Input Call Notes Sponsor
- -------- ------ ----- ---- ----- -------
- Sanibel 146.790 - K8CUL ter SEM
- My book lists the notes as:
- t - Tone-access (CTCSS Tone) required to access. (I guess it needs a PL)
- e - emergency power
- r - (this is not listed) your guess is a good as mine. Maybe someone
- out there might shed some light on this.
- If it were me, would set my FT530 to 146.790 down 600 kHz and scan the
- PLs while the repeater is used waiting for the correct PL to break
- squelch on my handheld.
- Another way is to contact:
- >> call k8cul
- Call-Sign: K8CUL Class: TECHNICIAN
- Real Name: GAILLARD A DOBBS Birthday: SEP 24, 1939
- Mailing Address: 2221 PERIWINKLE WAY, SANIBEL, FL 33957
- Valid From: NOV 1, 1988 To: NOV 1, 1998
- >>
- -->Also, what machines are accessible from North Captiva Island with a handheld?
- -->
- -->Thanks,
- -->Tom KF8LM
- This contact could also answer your other question.
- Good luck!
- 73's
- Bill
- +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
- | Bill Starkgraf wps@ElSegundoCA.ncr.com |
- | AT&T Global Information Solutions (310) 524-5754 |
- | El Segundo, CA (800) 222-8372 x5754 |
- | |
- | Call: KD6UQB Simi Settlers ARC |
- | Simi Valley, CA |
- +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
- ------------------------------
- Date: (null)
- From: (null)
- ------------------------------
- Date: (null)
- From: (null)
- And from Switzerland, I1YRL will operate the Geneva ITU station 4U1ITU
- during Saturday the 30th of April and the special Geneva ITU callsign
- 4U9ITU throughout the month of May.
- Rally news now:
- Now the Rallies for today Sunday the 17th of April:
- The Bury Radio Society Radio Rally is being held at the Castle Centre,
- Bolton Street, Bury, Lancs. Doors open at 11am, or 10.30 for disabled
- visitors. The event features trade stands and a bring and buy stall.
- Talk-in will be on two metres, channel S22.
- The Cambridge Repeater Group Amateur Radio Rally is being held at the
- Philips Telecom Catering Centre, St Andrews Road, Chesterton, Cambridge.
- Doors open at 10.30am. The event features trade stands, a bring and buy
- stall and an auction. Refreshments are available.
- The Marske-by-the Sea Radio Rally is being held at the Marske Leisure
- Centre, High Street, Marske-by-the-Sea, near Saltburn, Cleveland. Doors
- open at 11am. The event features the usual traders and a bring and buy
- stall and refreshments will be available.
- Now the only event we know for next weekend, Saturday the 23th and Sunday the 24th of April:
- The Irish Receiving and Transmitting Society Annual General Meeting and
- Mobile Rally is to be held at the Jacksons Hotel, Ballybofey, County
- Donegal, Ireland on Sunday the 26th. This is the first IRTS AGM to be
- held in Co Donegal. The Hotel is also the host to the IRTS Dinner Dance
- to be held on Saturday the 23rd. For ticket information and other
- details contact Ken, EI4DW on 010 353 74 31109.
- Now some dates for your diary:
- The RSGB National Mobile Rally is to be held at its usual venue on
- Sunday the 7th August at Woburn Park, Bedfordshire. For further
- information contact Norman Miller, G3MVV on 0277 225563. The next RSGB
- Regional Meeting will be held on Sunday the 5th of June in Brighouse,
- West Yorkshire. For further details, contact RSGB Zonal Council Member
- Peter Sheppard, G4EJP, on 0964 550397.
- HF contest news now:
- The RSGB Low Power Contest is taking place today, Sunday the 17th from
- 0700 to 1100 UTC using CW between 3.510 - 3.560MHz and 7.010 - 7.040MHz.
- See the February edition of Radio Communication, for the rules and
- further details.
- Clubs wishing to enter the RSGB's HF National Field Day should note that
- the deadline for registration is next Saturday, the 23rd of April.
- Further information can be found on page 82 of the February edition of
- RadCom.
- The third in this year's series of RSGB QRS (Slow Morse) Cumulative
- Contests will take place next Thursday the 21st of April from 1900 to
- 2030 UTC between 3.540 - 3.580MHz. See April RadCom page 8, for further
- details and January's RadCom, page 83 for the rules. Novice licensees
- are particularly encouraged to participate as contacts with Novice calls
- are worth quadruple points.
- The Helvetia Contest takes place during next weekend, starting at 1300
- on Saturday the 23rd and finishing at 1300 on Sunday the 24th of April.
- Use CW only on 1.8MHz, and CW and SSB on 3.5 to 28MHz but excluding the
- WARC bands. The contest is rather complex so participants are advised to
- consult the rules which can be found in the April edition of RadCom on
- page 19.
- A special event station active today is GB2AMN, which will be aired by
- members of RAF Finningley Amateur Radio Society from the Newark Air
- Museum, from 10am to 6pm on the HF bands and two metres.
- And now the solar factual data
- The period from the 4th to the 10th of April has seen continuing
- magnetic storms, particularly at high latitudes, due to the passage of
- coronal holes. The HF bands continued to be very poor.
- Solar activity has remained very low with the sun spot indices down to
- zero on some days and the mean for the period being only 7. There was
- only one flare reported which was a sub-flare. This has less energy than
- a C-class flare, and would not normally be reported. The last M flare
- reported was on the 27th of February, and solar rotation 1880 has passed
- without any flares at all. The solar flux levels have also taken a knock
- and averaged only 74.4 units, being depressed throughout the period. The
- 90 day mean flux on 9th April was 96 units.
- The geomagnetic activity was expected to die down but alas it remained
- as bad as ever, and was at storm levels every day. Since February the
- storms have raged almost continuously making this period the stormiest
- of solar cycle 22. The Ap indices averaged 40.7 units. The main effects
- of the storms have been at the higher latitudes with complete
- ionospheric blackouts. The state has been 'mag storm at high latitudes'
- all the period. The aa indices, as supplied by the British Geological
- Survey for the period 29th March to the 4th April, gave daily averages
- ranging from the only quiet day on the 29th at only 11.1 nanoTeslas, up
- to the full storm days of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, with daily levels up to
- 98 nanoTeslas. During the auroras of the 2nd and 3rd, there were periods
- of 137 nanoTeslas. The weekly average was 41 nanoTeslas, about K4, with
- the storm periods up to K6.
- The X-Ray flux has dropped to very low levels and averaged only A1.1
- units, the lowest levels since we have been bringing you this data. The
- Electron Fluence at greater than 2 Mega-electron-volts has remained at a
- very high level, probably the result of the outpourings from the coronal
- holes. The sunspot mean for March was RI 31.7 with a maximum of 62 on
- the 3rd and a minimum of 8 on the 20th. The 6 month smoothed level for
- September 1993 was 48.5 plus or minus 5. Bartells rotation 2195 starts
- today, the 17th.
- I'll repeat the figures. Spots - 7; Flux - 74.4; Ap index - 40.7; X-ray
- flux - A1.1; March spot mean 31.7.
- Now the ionospheric data for Central France:
- The F2 daytime critical frequencies at Poitiers, as reported by Meudon,
- averaged only 6.1MHz, with the 7th being down to only 4.6MHz. Again,
- this is the lowest level since we have been bringing you this data. The
- darkness hour lows have also been depressed, averaging 2.1MHz. However,
- spread F has been bad, lasting up to 8 hours on some days.
- I'll repeat the figures. Highs - 6.1MHz; lows - 2.1MHz.
- Now the ionospheric data for the north:
- The F2 daytime critical frequencies at Ekaterinberg have been severely
- affected by the magnetic storms. Readings have not been possible on some
- days but what we have gives levels of around 4.7MHz. The darkness hour
- lows were about 2.3MHz.
- I'll repeat the figures: Highs - 4.7MHz; lows - 2.3MHz.
- Recent times have very clearly shown that it is not only flare activity
- that can cause magnetic storms. Coronal holes which are magnetic holes
- in the sun's outer corona have the effect of guiding the solar material
- out into space. These holes are always present at the sun's poles, but
- at times such as now, tongues extend down to the solar equator and it is
- this outpouring which affects the earth.
- And lastly the solar forecast:
- This week, the quieter side of the sun will be coming into view, and
- based on past history the magnetic activity should be just about
- unsettled. It would appear that some solar restructuring is taking place
- and the solar flux levels are likely to remain low at about the 80s.
- Ionospheric MUFs in the south during the daytime are expected to reach
- about 21MHz, and darkness hour lows about 7MHz. Best contacts should be
- over north/south paths. For the north, daytime levels will be lower,
- possibly only 18MHz. Seasonal effects will depress the east/west paths.
- And that is the end of the solar information.
- Finally in the main news, SSL has informed the Society that as of last
- Wednesday morning, the latest callsigns issued were in the G0 Uniform
- Sierra and G7 Sierra Hotel series, and Novice calls in the 2 0 Alpha
- Hotel and 2 1 Charlie Uniform series.
- ------------------------------
- Date: (null)
- From: (null)
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Hams Digest V94 #422
- ******************************